Group pictures:
Current team members:
- Prof. Dario Polli, team leader.
He was born in Milan (Italy) in 1976. Since November 2014, he is Associate Professor in Physics at the Politecnico di Milano. His research activity is mainly focused on the generation and characterization of ultrashort laser pulses and their application to time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy and Coherent Raman microscopy. This activity is witnessed by the publication of more than 130 scientific papers on international journals (see or His H-index is 43. He has given more than 40 invited/keynote talks and courses at international conferences and schools. In 2022 he has been elected OPTICA Fellow “For pioneering contributions to ultrafast spectroscopy and nonlinear label-free microscopy”. In 2023 he has been elected Senior Member of SPIE. The total number of citations of his papers is more than 7000. Further details can be found at
- Dr. Renzo Vanna, Senior Researcher (Primo Ricercatore) (CNR)
He was born in Biella (Italy) in 1984. He graduated in Biotechnology in 2008, and in 2012 he obtained a Ph.D. degree in molecular medicine at ITB-CNR and Università di Milano, studying the human brain using biophysical and proteomic approaches. Then he joined the Laboratory of Nanomedicine and Clinical Biophotonics (LABION) at IRCCS Fondazione Don Gnocchi hospital focusing his interests on biphotonic approaches. He performed Raman imaging studies at Twente University (NL), under the supervision of Prof. Cees Otto, and between 2016 and 2017 he coordinated the EU project “NanoPlasmiRNA”. In 2018, he co-funded the new Nanomedicine and Molecular Imaging Lab at IRCCS ICS Maugeri research hospital mainly performing spontaneous Raman spectroscopy for biomedical applications. He joined IFN-CNR at Politecnico di Milano in 2020, aiming to bridge photonics, biology and medicine. He is member of “Raman4Clinics” and of the International Society for Clinical Spectroscopy (CLIRSPEC).
- VICTOR ALCOLEA RODRIGUEZ, research fellow.
Victor was born in Palma de Mallorca (Spain), in July 1995. He obtained his PhD in medicinal chemistry in March 2024, in the field of nanotoxicology—from in-vitro tests across different cell lines to advanced characterization of nanomaterials. He earned his degree at the Institute of Catalysis (ICP-CSIC) in Madrid and the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin. Before his PhD, Victor completed his master’s in Biomedicine at the University of Barcelona, where he also explored ways to improve the organic synthesis of antitumorals for use as ADCs. He initially studied Chemistry at the University of the Balearic Islands, focusing on improving the biocompatibility of titanium biomaterials for use in stents. His research on microplastic toxicity using Raman spectroscopy has led him to Milan, where he started in April 2024 a postdoctoral position to explore medical applications of Raman spectroscopy.
- Francesco Manetti, PhD student.
He was born in Viterbo (Italy) on February 24th, 1997. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2019 at Politecnico di Milano, with a work based on the characterization of a hyperspectral camera for the analysis of cultural heritage, under the supervision of Prof. Daniela Comelli. He achieved his M.Sc. in Engineering Physics – Photonics and Nano Optics in December 2021, focusing his thesis work on multimodal nonlinear optical microscopy for the study of tissues and cells, under the supervision of Prof. Dario Polli. He joined the VIBRA group in May 2022 to perform research on label-free coherent Raman microscopy for biological and medical applications.
- Salvatore Sorrentino.
PhD student.
He was born in Castellammare di Stabia on July 8th, 1996. He achieved his Master’s degree in Physics at Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” in 2020 with a thesis based on the realization of a Confocal Microscopy to study the spatial distribution of unitary polarized fields under the supervision of Prof. Pasqualino Maddalena. He is currently a PhD student in Physics at Politecnico di Milano in VIBRA group and a Data Scientist at Intesa Sanpaolo, working in the Artificial Intelligence Department, carrying on project related to the application of Big Data in the banking field.
- Giulio Gubello,
PhD student.
He was born in Gagliano del Capo (LE) on August 19th, 1997. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in July 2019 and his Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in October 2022, with a thesis on the design of a 40-Channel Spectrometer for Ultrafast Pump-Probe experiments under the supervision of Prof. Giorgio Ferrari.In November 2022 he started his PhD in Information Technology (area Electronics) at the I3N and VIBRA labs, focusing on the developement of an innovative high-speed, low-noise multichannel lock-in amplifier for broadband coherent Raman Spectroscopy.
- Beatrice Ghidotti,
Reserch fellow.
She was born in Milano (Italy) on August 15th, 1998. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2020 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on Fourier transform hyperspectral imaging for the analysis of paintings, under the supervision of Prof. Daniela Comelli and Prof. Cristian Manzoni. She joined the VIBRA group in March 2022 to work on her MSc thesis on “Photonics Innovation”.
- Marta Tagliabue.
Reserch fellow.
She was born in Milano on November 5th, 1998. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2020 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on Fourier-transform hyperspectral imaging applied to the cultural heritage, under the supervision of Prof. Daniela Comelli. In March 2022 she joined the VIBRA group for her MSc thesis on “Photonics innovation”, with the purpose of developing a new spectroscopic device to bring to the market.
- Andrea Rabolini,
PhD student.
He was born in Milan on October, 13th, 1998. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2020 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on studying localization effects with numerical simulation of coherent light in coupled waveguides, under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Crespi. He joined the VIBRA group in September 2022 for his MSc thesis, working on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications. He then started his PhD in the VIBRA group since September 2023.
- Lorenzo Vinco, PhD student.
He was born in Brescia on October 9th, 1998. He obtained his Master degree in 2022 in Engineering Physics at Politecnico di Milano with a stage in NIREOS, a spin-off company of the Physics Department at Politecnico di Milano. His thesis activity revolved around the development of a push-broom hyperspectral camera. He is currently carrying out a PhD in Physics at the Physics Department at Politecnico di Milano in collaboration with NIREOS. His research focuses on hyperspectral microscopy for a variety of applications, such as biomedical imaging and material science.
- Matteo Mandelli, MSc student.
He was born in Monza on January 8th, 1998. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in March 2021 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the analysis of interferometric measures using a Michelson Interferometer, under the supervision of Prof. Ermanno Pinotti. He joined the VIBRA group in March 2023 for his MSc thesis, working on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications.
- Morteza Behrouzitabar, MSc student.
He was born in Tabriz-Iran on February 3rd, 1998. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in February 2021 from the University of Tabriz. He started his Master’s degree in Politecnico di Milano in September 2021 and one year later he joined VIBRA lab to work on his thesis focused on Brillouin and spontaneous Raman micro-spectroscopy for Biomedical applications. He is passionate about photonics and it’s applications!
- Benedetta Gavazzoni, MSc student.
She was born in Monza on September 20th, 1999. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in July 2021 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the analysis of the baropodometric characteristics in people with metatarsalgia through electronic barodopometry and digital podography, under the supervision of professor Manuela Galli. In July 2023 she joined the VIBRA group to work on her MSc thesis, regarding the analysis about biochemical and mechanical 3D mapping of cancer cells by label-free Brillouin and Raman microspectroscopy.
- Marco Da Ros, MSc student.
He was born in Conegliano (TV) on April 16th, 2000. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2022 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the study of dynamics of photoexcited charge carriers in graphene, under the supervision of Prof. Stefano Dal Conte. He joined the VIBRA group in March 2024 for his MSc thesis, working on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications. He will start his PhD in our group in december 2024.
- Francesco Di Pasquale, MSc student.
He was born in Chieti (CH) on June 28th, 2000. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2022 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on femtosecond pulses characterization techniques for attosecond physics, under the supervision of Prof. Mauro Nisoli. He joined VIBRA group on February 2024 for his MSc thesis, working on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications. He will start his PhD in our group in december 2024.
- Gioele Pasotti, MSc student.
He was born in Negrar di Valpolicella (Vr) on July 4th, 1998. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in March 2022 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the analysis of the thermionic emission of a tungsten filament in a vacuum tube under the supervision of Prof. Ermanno Pinotti. He joined the VIBRA group in March 2024 for his MSc thesis, working on machine-learning and deep-learning models applied to Raman microscopy and spectroscopy.
- Francesco Manna, MSc student.
He was born in Castellammare di Stabia on November 5th, 1999. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in July 2021, wth a thesis based on a watchOS app aimed at promoting physical activity among children, in collaboration with the Apple Foundation Program. In March 2022 he started his Master’s degree in Engineering Physics, and in February 2024 he joined VIBRA group for his MSc thesis, working on Raman techniques for biomedical applications.
Past team members:
- Arianna Bresci, Research fellow.
She was born inCarate Brianza on June 28th, 1995. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2017 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the design and development of a gas blender device for an ex-vivo bioreactor aimed at investigating the Vein Graft Disease in bypass implants. She joined the VIBRA group in March 2019 to work for her MSc thesis, with the purpose of applying nonlinear optical spectroscopy/microscopy techniques to investigate cellular intravitality in tumoral tissues and in stem cells differentiation. She then continued with her PhD, devoted to imaging cells and tissues using non-linear optical microscopy. In 2024 she moved to USA and is now Postdoctoral Associate @MIT & Optical Engineer @Apollon
- Chiara Ceconello.
PhD student.
She was born in Milano (Italy) January 23th, 1996. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2018 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis entitled “Spectroscopic analysis and laser monitoring of the concentration of NO and CO2 in the human breath”, under the supervision of Prof. Marco Marangoni. She discussed her M.Sc. Thesis in October 2020 under the supervision of Prof. Giulio Cerullo with a work based on the characterization of exciton dynamics in 2D materials via femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy. She then joined the VIBRA group in March 2021 to work on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications. She performed her PhD in the VIBRA group, graduating in 2024 with a thesis on wide-field CARS microscopy.
- Silvia Betti, MSc student.
She was born in Lodi on December 22nd, 1998. She achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in March 2021 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the analysis of Hall effect in doped semiconductors, under the supervision of Prof. Michele Celebrano. She joined the VIBRA group in March 2023 for her MSc thesis, working on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications.
- Marco Ventura,
Reserch fellow.
He was born in Brescia on October 3rd, 1998. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2020 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the design of an experimental setup for broadband molecular spectroscopy with optical frequency combs, under the supervision of Prof. Alessio Gambetta.He joined the VIBRA group in March 2022 for his MSc thesis, working on spontaneous Raman microscopy and spectroscopy for biomedical applications. After a period of colalboration, he then moved to TecnoSens SpA as optical engineer.
- Federico Vernuccio, Post-Doc researcher.
He was born in Modica on July 8th, 1995. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in July 2017 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis based on the realization and validation of a solid state laser in the MIR using a crystal of Cr2+:ZnSe, under the supervision of Prof. Gianluca Galzerano. He performed his diploma thesis, PhD and post-Doc in the VIBRA group, working on the realization of a broadband cohenent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscope capable of high-speed imaging in the fingerprint region to visualize morphological details of biological samples. he then joined the MOSAIC group at Fresnel institute in Marseille (France) under the supervision of Hervé Rigneault.
- Alejandro De la Cadena, Post-Doc researcher.
He was born in Xalapa Veracruz, Mexico on 7th November, 1987. He received his Electronics Instrumentation Engineering degree in the University of Veracruz. In 2013 he obtained his M.Sc degree in Electronics Engineering at the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN, ESIME Zacatenco); in the same year he was accepted as a Ph.D. candidate in the Friedrich-Schiller-University, Jena, Germany under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Benjamin Dietzek. His main scientific interests are focused on non-linear spectroscopy/microscopy and time resolved microscopy. He joined the VIBRA group in September 2017 to develop new instruments based on coherent Raman spectroscopy. He is now with Prof. Steve Boppart in the USA.
- Claudio Cavecchi, MSc student.
He was born on July 1st, 1999, in Milan, Italy. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in July 2021 from Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on Neurophotonics supervised by Prof. Alessandro Toricelli. The primary objective of his research was to study biological tissues using TD fNIRS. In February 2023, he joined the VIBRA group to pursue his MSc thesis on coherent Raman microscopy and spectroscopy, focusing on biomedical applications. He is now with Leonardo SpA.
- Soumen Ghosh, Post-Doc researcher.
He comes from a small village Kamra in West Bengal, India. He received his Master’s degree in Chemistry from IIT Kanpur in 2011 with thesis entitled ‘Synthesis and Spectroscopic Studies of Ferrocene -Pi bridge-Acceptor Systems’. He then moved to Michigan State University, USA for Ph.D. in Chemistry and earned his degree in August 2017. There, under the supervision of Professor Warren F. Beck, he studied radiationless decay and excitation energy transfer by carotenoids using heterodyne transient grating and two-dimensional electronic spectroscopic techniques. His main scientific interests are in the field of ultrafast spectroscopy and microscopy to address questions in chemical and biological systems. He joined the VIBRA group in December 2017. He is now Assistant Professor of Chemistry at IISc Bangalore.
- Fabrizio Preda, research contract.
He was born in Bergamo on May 28th, 1990. He achieved his Master degree in Physics Engineering in 2015 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis entitled “Ultrafast Bidimensional Electronic Spectroscopy implemented with a birefringent interferometer (TWINS)”, under the supervision of Prof. Giulio Cerullo. Currently he is developing a software and a new detection system for Pump-Probe and Stimulated Raman Scattering experiments. Now CEO of NIREOS, see
- Subir Das, Post-Doc researcher.
He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Physics and in Nanoscience and Technology from the Gauhati University (2011) and Tezpur University (2013), India, respectively. He received his Ph.D. in Biophotonics from the Institute of Biophotonics, National Yang-Ming University (NYMU), Taiwan (2019). He served as the Vice President (2014-2015) and President (2017-2018) of the Optical Society of America student chapter at Institute of Biophotonics, NYMU. His research interests include Nonlinear Optical Microscopy, Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging, Optical Beam-Induced Current Imaging and Ultrasound. From January 2020 till July 2021, he worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the field of wide variety of imaging modalities including photon-counting based stimulated emission microscopy and time-resolved Schlieren imaging with Prof. Fu-Jen Kao at the Institute of Biophotonics, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taipei, Taiwan. He joined the VIBRA group in September 2021. He is now with Prof. Seeger at University of Zurich.
- Francesco Gucci, MSc student.
He was born in Busto Arsizio (Italy) on January 1st, 1999. He achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in July 2020 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis titled “Micromagnetic modeling of spin waves in ferrimagnetic thin films of Yttrium Iron Garnet”, under the supervision of Ph.D. Edoardo Albisetti. He joined the VIBRA group in February 2022 for his MSc thesis, working on the developmentof a Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscope capable of high-speed imaging from the fingerprint to the CH-stretching region for applications in life science and in solid state materials. He is now performing his PhD in the group of Prof. Giulio Cerullo at Polimi.
- Benedetta Talone, PhD student.
She was born in Lanciano on March 17th, 1992.
She joined the VIBRA group in April 2017 for her diploma thesis and continued from 2018 to 2022 to performed her PhD. She has been working on the characterization of the damage to living cells induced by irradiation with ultrashort laser pulses and on multimodal non-linear microscopy of tissues. She is now working with Cambridge Raman Imaging startup.
- Carlo Valensise.
He was born in Rome on February 11, 1993. He graduated in July 2017 in Physics at University La Sapienza in Rome, with a thesis on a novel approach to spectroscopy using quantum light excitations, under the supervision of prof. Tullio Scopigno and Prof. Fabio Sciarrino [see]. He joined the VIBRA group in November 2017 for his PhD, working with Raman Microscopy and applying novel Deep-Learning techniques to non-linear spectroscopy. He then became a Data Scientist, first at Università Ca’ Foscari (Venezia) and then to Enrico Fermi research center in Rome.
- Andrea Ragni, PhD student.
He was born in Jesi (AN) on November 17th, 1990.
He graduated in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on the design of a lock-in based multi-channel acquisition system for Raman Spectroscopy applications. He performed his PhD in the VIBRA lab, developing an innovative high-speed multichannel lock-in amplifier for broadband coherent Raman imaging. He now collaborates with NIREOS and Cambridge Raman Imaging startups.
- Daniele Viola, Post-Doc researcher.
He was Born on July 30th, 1987.He graduated in Physics Engineering in 2012 at Politecnico di Milano, with a work on ultrafast spectroscopy of electronic thermalization dynamics in graphene. After graduation he spent 4 months at Max-Planck-Institute für Bioanorganische Chemie under the supervision of Prof. Alfred R. Holzwarth, building a multi-wavelength TCSPC system. He did his PhD in 2013-2015 at the Physics Department of Politecnico di Milano where he studied light harvesting complexes and low dimensionalities structures and developed a pump-probe microscopy setup and a software for fitting models to multi-dimensional datasets. He joined the VIBRA team in January 2016. He is now with the BIOS group, a medical laser and energy-based devices manufacturer,
- Antonio Perri, PhD
He was born in Monza on May 21th, 1992. He achieved his bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2014 from Politecnico di Milano with a thesis on the characterization of ultra-short laser pulses with transient-grating frequency-resolved optical gating (TG-FROG), under the supervision of prof. Salvatore Stagira. He joined the team in March 2016 for his diploma thesis, developing a microscope scanning system based on galvanometric mirrors and performing multiplex CARS measurements. After completing his PhD in the VIBRA lab, he became CTO of NIREOS, see
- Valentina Parodi, PhD student.
She obtained her Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in 2014 at Università degli Studi di Genova. Later, she moved to Politecnico di Milano to attend the MsC in Biomedical Engineering (cells, tissues and biotechnologies). She graduated in 2017 wi th the experimental thesis “Nichoid optimization as a system for culture and quantification of stem cells function” developed both at IFN-Cnr and at Mechanobiology lab. Her master thesis is placed in the project ERC-NICHIOID directed by Prof. Manuela T. Raimondi, for the study and the fabrication of 3D micro-scaffolds for in vitro stem cell expansion. She performed her PhD in Bioengineering and Physics (joint degree), with the aim to apply nonlinear optical microscopy/spectroscopy techniques to investigate cellular intravitality in tumoral tissues. She is now International Programme Officer at AISM
- Giada Dell’Oro. Diploma student.
She was born in Lecco on January 9th, 1997. She achieved, in VIBRA group, her Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2019 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis on the development of a broadband heterodyne spectropolarimeter based on Fourier transform, under the supervision of Prof. Dario Polli and PhD Soumen Ghosh. She joined again the VIBRA group in March 2021 for her diploma thesis, working on Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) microscopy for the identification of tumors. She is now CT Application Specialist at Siemens Healthineers
- Adeline Prévot, engineering student.
She was born in Soissons (France) on the 8th of October 1996. She was in her third year of engineering school at Télécom Physique Strasbourg. Shestudies photonics (lasers, optical fibres, etc.). She realizes in parallel of her engineer degree, a master’s degree in the field of nanophotonics. She came for a 3-month internship in the VIBRA group to work on the development of an hyperspectral imaging camera based on a passive birefringent interferometer. She is now Industrial Technical Engineer at Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks, SAS (Greenwich, UK)
- Lucile Denise Huguette Rutkowski.
She was born on December 31st, 1988. She took her bachelor and master degrees in Physics at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon, and obtained her PhD in Physics in 2014 at the Institute of Light and Matter of Lyon under the supervision of Jérôme Morville. During her PhD, she focused her research on cavity enhanced optical frequency comb spectroscopy and more precisely on the development and modeling of the Vernier spectrometer. She pursued her research by working during 3 years in the group of Aleksandra Foltynowicz in Umeå, with a focus on optical frequency comb Fourier transform spectroscopy. She joined the VIBRA team in September 2017 to develop the application of coherent Raman techniques to investigate molecular systems in the gas phase. She is now appointed researcher since October 2018 at the french national center of scientific research (CNRS), and is working at the University of Rennes.
- Vikas Kumar, Former Post-Doc researcher from March 2012 to May
He achieved his Master of Science degree in Physics (specialization in “Lasers & Opto-electronics”) in 2004 from University of Lucknow (India) and completed his Master of Technology degree in Laser Science & Applications in 2007 from Devi Ahilya University (India). During this period for one year, he has been involved in a project entitled “Generation & detection of XUV Radiation from plasma produced by 10TW-50 fs CPA based Ti:Sapphire Laser system” at Laser-Plasma Division of Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Department of Atomic Energy laboratory in India. From July 2007 to Nov 2008, he has worked as a Laser Engineer in Laser Science Services (I) Pvt. Ltd. in Mumbai. In March 2012, he obtained his Ph. D. in Physics from Politecnico di Milano, Italy with a thesis entitled “Coherent Raman Spectroscopy from a single femtosecond oscillator”. He has now moved to Universität Duisburg-Essen (Germany).
- Francesco Crisafi, PhD student (2014-2017).
He was born in Milan on the 24th of December 1989. He graduated in Physics Engineering at the Politecnico of Milan, after performing a thesis on Optical Paramteric Oscillators at the Heriot-Watt University (Edinburgh) under the supervision of Prof. Derryck T. Reid. His research is focused on SRS and CARS microscopy using an Erbium-fiber laser. Now post-doc researcher in the group of Stefan Seeger in University of Zurich.
- Martina Recchia , diploma student.
She was born in Treviglio on September 24th, 1995. She achieved her Bachelor’s degree in Engineering Physics in September 2017 at Politecnico di Milano, with a thesis aimed at understanding and analyzing the behavior of electronic components subjected to sub-optimal working conditions, to understand their possible limits. She is currently attending her diploma thesis in VIBRA group studying cellular damage induced by laser operation. She is now PhD student at Cardiff University (UK) under a Marie Sklodowska-Curie ITN network.
- Carolina Camassa
, diploma student.
She was born in Fasano on December 20th, 1994. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2017, before enrolling in the Engineering Physics master’s course.
After spending a semester at the University of Eastern Finland, she joined the VIBRA group in March 2019 where she performed her diploma thesis focusing on cell damage caused by infrared ultrashort pulsed radiation.
- Marco
He was born in Tradate (VA) on October 29th, 1988. After the bachelor and master degree in Physics at university of Insubria (Como), he obtained his PhD in physics at the same institution in 2017, with a thesis exploring the use of photon number statistics measurements for the investigation of classical and nonclassical states of light, for both fundamental and applied research. He joined the VIBRA team at the end of 2016 to develop the application of coherent Raman techniques to investigate molecular systems in the gas phase.
- Matteo Diotallevi, diploma student.
He was born in Urbino on May 19th, 1992. He studied chemical engineeringat Politecnico di Milano and he graduated in september 2014 with a thesis on the models that describe particles in colloids and solutions. Then he began his studies in nuclear engineering to deepen his knowledge of solid state physics and light-matter interaction. He joined the VIBRA team in May 2017 for his master thesis dealing with Fourier-transform spectroscopy using birefringent crystals.
- Charles Beudy, engineering student.
He was born in Reims (France) on the 30th of December 1993.
He is currently in his second yearof engineering school at Télécom Physique Strasbourg. He was admitted in this school after achieving 3 years of intensive preparation in maths, physics and chemistry. He came to Politecnico di Milano for a 3-months internship with the VIBRA group. He has already performed a 5-months internship at iCube Laboratories about the micro-structuration of a photosenstive resin using photonic jets.
- John Gaida, visiting Master of Science student from Göttingen.
Originally from Lübeck, John went to Göttingen for his undergraduate physics studies. In 2015,he pursued his bachelor’s degree and is now working towards his master’s dissertation in the research group of Claus Ropers.
With experience in ultrafast hot-carrier photoluminescence of graphene,
he is interested in femtosecond laser spectroscopy. In the group of Dario Polli, he employed a birefringent interferometer to perform fluorescence experiments with high temporal and spectral resolution.
- Francesco Saltarelli
He was born on July 22th, 1992. He achieved his bachelor’s degree in Physics in September 2014 from La Sapienza, Rome with a thesis on statistical analysis of lipid accumulation in hepatocytes through CARS imaging, under the supervision of prof. Tullio Scopigno.He spent almost a year (from November 2015 to July 2016) in the VIBRA froup for his diploma thesis, developing an SRS setup with an ultrafast detection through time-stretch dispersive Fourier transform (TST). He both built the optical setup and developed the hardware/software interface. This led to a publication in Optics Express. In January 2016 he won the ‘Enrico Persico’ scholarship from ‘Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei’ ranking first (see link). He is now doing his PhD with the Ultrafast Laser Physics group led by Prof. U. Keller at ETH Zürich.
- Muhamet Ibrahimi,
B.S Internship Fellow
Born on June 09th, 1995. He is currently a High Honour Senior Undergrad in Bilkent Univesrity (Ankara,Turkey). For an academic year he has worked as research assistant on Wavefront-Amplitude Manipulation via SLM-s & Adaptive Optics for Microscopy Systems under the supervision of F.O. Ilday ( He has joint the VIBRA group for a month in July 2016, working on Fourier-transform spectroscopy.
- Ho Nhu Y Nguyen, visiting diploma student.
He was born in Nghe An (Vietnam) on April 16th 1990. He studied electronics and telecommunications at the center of training for excellent students, Hanoi University of Scienceand Technology from 2008 to 2013. He is currently a Europhotonics student (within the Erasmus Mundus Master program) 2014-2016. He finished his first semester at Aix-Marseille University (France) and second one at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (Germany). Joining in our team since August, 2015, he is taking part in building a detection system for SRS and pump-probe based on a Fourier-Transform approach with birefringent wedges.
- Gustavo Ciardi, MSc student.
He was born on July 1989. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Astrophysics in Florence (Università degli studi di Firenze) and then moved to the Politecnico di Milano to undertake his Master in Physics Engineering, which he obtained in July 2015. He joined the team at the very beginning of the Vibra project for his diploma thesis helping in the development of the Fourier-Transform detection for SRS. He is currently a PhD student at the department of Physical Chemistry of University of Zurich in the group of Prof. Dr. Peter Hamm, working on a brand new type of two-dimensional spectroscopy called 2D Raman-THz spectroscopy.